The Disability Stats

Dear Resident Doctor
I am writing to explain the importance of investing in your financial future by first securing your own private disability income protection policy. …
That is a wonderful introduction and one you should take seriously if you have received it. You as a specialist in Emergency Medicine already have some idea of the immense value owning a disability protection policy has. I say this because you see the ramifications of accidents and illness daily. You must also see and hear your patients trying to make sense of how to pay for their recovery and maintain their lifestyle if the damage is permanent. You are not immune this can happen to you. Here are some startling statistics
• The chances of you becoming disabled for five or more years is 1 in 8. Most people think it to be quite higher at 1 in 50. Of course we all want to believe we are invincible.
• Almost 30% of all disabilities are back and joint disorders. You spend a great deal of time on your feet. This makes you perfect candidate.
• The rest is made up of health related diseases such as cancer, heart mental and nervous system disorders plus complications due to childbirth.
• People over 50 account for 59% of all disability claims.

Ok that last one doesn’t apply right? Well what you might not know is that the time to buy your personal protection is now. Why because its cheap and will never be cheaper. If you wait until the years of wear and tear standing, bending, running cause your disability to occur without coverage boy is it going to cost you. Now is the time like I said its cheap and your premiums won’t increase unless you choose to increase your coverage amount. If you decide to wait until later it could cost you more than you know.

Its up to you but at least now you are informed and can make and educated decision. Give us a call and we will be happy to help you sort out your options. At Income Protection Specialist, our job to get you the best plan for your profession.