Being a Good Samaritan Can Cost more than just a Plane Ticket

Perhaps you have considered participating in a missionary program such as Doctors without Borders, or an assigned position abroad.  It is important that you understand that traveling outside the United States for a prolonged period of time can affect both your insurability and your benefits. We are blessed in the United States with modern medicine, technology and infrastructure this however is not the case for many countries.  For this reason insurance companies view travel abroad as risky and as such they grade countries by the perceived risk faced by American travelers.

Recently one of our young clients had accepted a position in an African Hospital as a prolonged sabbatical from her residency program. She had approached us wanting purchase more life insurance. After a lengthy conversation with her preferred insurance company, we had to break the unfortunate news to this young woman that the insurance company considers her uninsurable until her safe return. As far as the insurance company was concerned any country within the African Content poses too high of a risk for an American, warranting their refusal to provide her with coverage.

In a related situation a gentleman approached us to review his group disability policy to ensure he was covered for similar activities. After reviewing his policy we had to inform him that under his current plan, any claim made abroad would not be covered.

These situations illustrate the two important points:

  • Make  sure you do your homework, understand what you are purchasing and what is covered under your disability policy
  • Seek assistance from a Specialist before engaging in a dangerous, or potentially risky activities so that they can advise you appropriately

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