Radiologists Need Disability Protection Too!

32215259_lThe field of Radiology has many employment options available today.  Will you decide to work remotely from home or at your employer’s location.  Will you be self employed or will you have any employer?  All of these questions are on the table.  The one question that every Radiologist already has the answer to is, should they invest in themselves and buy a top notch privately owned disability income protections policy? You know the answer is a resounding yes but the real question is how do you know what policy will provide the best protection to a Radiologist?  Here are some suggestions:

Purchase your disability policy while you are healthy and young.  The premiums are much cheaper the younger you are, and the likelihood of an exclusion due to medical issues is less than if you are older.  It is also important for resident Radiologists purchase individual protection prior to signing their employment contract.  Make sure that when you fill out your application your t’s are crossed and I’s are dotted.  Why? Any mistakes made by either yourself, or your agent can invalidate the disability policy.  This can cause real problems for you at claim time.

These next suggestions might seem obvious but it never hurts to review them anyway.  When seeking an agent to provide your disability coverage make sure he/she is independent meaning that he/she is not employed by a particular insurance company and can offer you the best policies for you as a Radiologist. You will also want to make certain that he/she is experienced with over 10 years of history in handling the special needs of Radiologists.  He then should be able to provide an unbiased opinion on what he thinks should work best for your particular financial situation and specialty.  The key is not to be SOLD a particular policy but to purchase a plan that best suits you as a Radiologist.

I hope that you find this information helpful when deciding to purchase your individual disability protection policy.  Remember there is no substitute for quality and or service. Purchasing a disability income protection policy that protects your ability to pay your bills and continue to live comfortably is not something that should be taken lightly. Should you need assistance regarding your current or future disability coverage needs, please contact one of our specialists at Income Protection  We are always here to help.