Happy Holidays and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year to all


No matter what your beliefs or customs this time of the year brings about a frenzy of shopping, planning, parties, gift giving and hopefully some time for personal reflection of the past 12 months.  In doing my own reflecting I can honestly say that this last year has been one of tremendous growth both personally and professionally for myself and and all of us at Income Protection Specialist.com.  In no small part due to those of you out there that have made Income Protection Specialist your go to company for all your personal and professional disability and insurance needs.

Throughout the last 26 years each an every client from the very first, to those of you who we have just earned, are all an integral part of our success. We want to express a note of gratitude and best wishes to everyone for the coming year.  May you all be healthy, happy and prosperous.

Stacia Musleh

V.P. Income Protection Specialist.